بیاید پایه باشیم باهم یه هواپیمای کاغذی بسازیم!!
Step 1
Start with an 8 1/2"x11" paper. Fold the top corners inward to the center line. Fold the top corners to the bottom edge.
Step 2
Fold the triangle section upward.
Step 3
Bring the sloping edge to the center line and crease only upper part of the folding line 3(A to B). Step 4
While holding point C in place, sweep a finger under D and pull flap outward. Flatten. Repeat steps3 and 4 onright side. Make sure both wings have the same sweep angle.
Step 5
Lift edge A and bring out the triangle corner of the middle layer. This part will become the canopy of the fighter jet. Step 6
Flip the triangle section to the left side.
Step 7
Make the canopy of the fighter jet by valley folding the triangle section along line 6 and 7
Fold the paper in half.
Step 9
Fold down the wings and fold up the wing tips. Adjust creases so that the plane has this profile.
Step 10
The model should look like this. Bend up the trailing edge of the wings for better lift
Step 10
منبع :http://www.iran-eng.com
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خدا رو شکر!!!
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((در بخش پژوهشهای کاربردی، محمد شفیعی دهج با طرح طراحی، ساخت و آزمایش یک مشعل محیط متخلخل، ))
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